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Roof Inspection

When will you know its time for a New Roof?

How can you tell if you need a new roof?

You may be tempted to take your roof for granted, thinking it’s the one part of your Central Oregon home that will last forever. But even if extreme weather or catastrophic events never seem to cause any apparent damage, your roof has a limited lifespan. Under the best circumstances—and depending on your roofing contractor’s skills and the quality of the labor and materials used—you may need to replace your roof every 15 to 20 years. Don’t wait for glaringly obvious roof damage. Learn to recognize the following red flags, and replace your failing roof to protect the interior of your home and prevent the skyrocketing costs of structural damage.

Black Granules on the Gutters and the Ground

Those tiny black specks are actually part of the shingle’s outer protection, designed to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the asphalt layer underneath. Missing granules expose the asphalt to the elements, causing it to degrade faster. Shingles at the end of their lifecycle shed granules more rapidly. Hail is another culprit that strips the granules from shingles.

Missing or Damaged Shingles

Shingles can reveal a roof’s condition, especially if many of the shingles are missing. If the ones that remain are cracked, wind or hail may have damaged your roof. Shingles that are no longer flat – the edges are curled or the middle buckles up – are sure signs that your roof has reached its expiration date.

Spongy Roof

A roof that bounces—or “gives”—when walked on indicates that moisture has penetrated the shingles. A roofing professional will remove the shingles to determine the extent of the damage to the roof decking.

Sagging Roof

Although a roof my sag due to issues with its support beams or decking, the cause may have nothing to do with the roof at all. A sagging roof may actually indicate that your house is sinking due to a faulty foundation. Don’t replace a sagging roof until you’ve inspected and repaired your foundation—or you may have to replace your roof again.

The Well-Maintained Roof

Taking the necessary steps to maintain your roof is a priority for residents throughout the Central Oregon region. Make an appointment with a roofing professional to inspect your roof as soon as possible. Today’s simple repair may prevent tomorrow’s roof replacement—or at least postpone it so your roof will last for years to come.